Friday, August 20, 2010

Book Review: A Girl's Guide To Life

A Girl's Guide To Life 
Katie Meier
Thomas Nelson Publishers

First of all, let me mention that I am a 20 year old college student with a passion for mentoring the younger generation of female’s--I am not too far ahead of the audience that A Girl’s Guide To Life by Katie Meier was written for. It appears that the target audience this book was written for was the high school girl. However, in my personal opinion this book is written with a voice that is too elementary for this particular audience. 
I read these kinds of books, myself, when I was in high school (self improvement, christian teen advice, spiritual guidance, christian dating...etc.) and I probably would have not read this book as a high school student after reading the preface because it is was just too simple. At that point in my life, I don’t want to be spoken to as if I am hearing about these things for the first time. If I was a 7th grader being introduced to some of this stuff for the first time, this would be a great, simple, easy to read approach to “girl stuff.” In fact, when I was in 7th grade I was actually looking for exactly this kind of book. And for the middle school audience, I would probably rate this book a little higher. 
A Girls Guide To Life offers a thorough look into situations many tween to teenage girls face on a day to day basis. Split into the three parts--mind, body and soul--this book also offers answers many questions about the female body, peer pressure, boys, religion, sex and more. 
I rated this book 3 out of 5 stars primarily because it lacked the maturity for the age it was written more. I will most likely pass this book down to my 12 year old sister who will hopefully use it as a go-to-guide for answers to questions she doesn’t want to ask. It will  surely serve as a great resource for this important time in her life.