Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I have decided to welcome self-expression back into my life. I tend to bottle things up inside of me. I suppose I might fall into the obsessive compulsive category--I like to hide my flaws for the fear of me unveiling the multiple imperfections I am defined by.

I used to draw, paint, sketch. I love art, but I used to love it more. It was hard for me in high school to share the same studio as nationally awarded, world class artists and know that I would never be an artist with their skill level. While I love to do art for fun, I am not passionate enough about it to spend all of my time trying to be better. I not only got discouraged, but burnt out. It has been a year now since I have opened a sketchbook. However, I think I want to do art again. I fear that ,instead of calming me like I hope art will do, it will stress me out and I will just quit again.

Art is not the only hobby I have dropped due to the fear of not consistently producing a masterpiece. Writing, something I used to be highly passionate about, has kind of made its way out of my life throughout the years. Writing used to define who I am; I used to be so good at journaling in a way that released my sweet emotions, my sour emotions. I would inspire people with my words. I thrived on that. What happened? I put off my next journal entry until I had the time to sit down and type a flawless piece of literature. Well guess what, I never got the time. Ever. I started many blogs and never finished them. "Why would anybody want to read this?" But it's not about just anybody. It's about me. This is about me.

I am Morgan and this blog is about me. It is an outlet for my love and my hate, my fears and my dreams. This is a place for me to be completely transparent and to spill open just as I am. No edits allowed. This is me. And I hope you appreciate this journey into my messy, thrilling life.


p.s. If you're lucky, I may get around to posting some newly created art !

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