Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Classic Wisdom for the Professional Life [Bryan Curtis] 
I read this book for a few different reasons: 
1) I love quotes. Who doesn't like a good collection of great poetic wisdom? 


2) I am a young professional. Well, kind of. Does an unpaid internship count? 
Anyways, once I started reading it didn't take me long to get through all of the quotes from cover to cover. It is a great collection of quotes that will have you turning every page when you first pick it up, however, it will make a great book to keep on your desk at work or your computer desk at home. It is full of practical wisdom for not just professionals, but for anyone who has any capacity of a leadership position. The book is full of inspiration and motivation from seasoned and successful professionals. I highly recommend Classic Wisdom for the Professional Life to any quote lover, leadership figure, college student....anyone, really. It makes for a quick and pleasant read and will remain a great resource for professional inspiration. 

One of my favorite quotes from the first time through the book comes from Conrad Hilton: "Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit."


  1. ohhhh! i'm a quote lover! can't wait to read it!

  2. Sounds intresting I might request this one eventually.
