Monday, June 14, 2010

Seizing the Spirit of Adventure

I figure I better go ahead and write before I get sucked into all of the craziness of this week. What is this week, you ask? This week is only one of the most important weeks of the summer--NFL Production Week. Now, I can’t tell you exactly what NFL Production Week is, because I missed the most recent staff meeting about it (and because it doesn’t have its own wikipedia page), but I can tell you that a bunch of important NFL folks are in town this week to discuss and finalize a bunch of important plans. Something like that. There will be a lot of meetings involved, people in and out of the office, conference calls, press events, everyone stressing out and running around like chickens with their heads cut off.... I’m sure you get the idea. 
Tomorrow is a big press event going on at the Cotton Bowl, and I am actually not sure if the reason for the event is public knowledge just yet, but just in case it’s not I’m going to wait until my next blog to tell you what I get to do tomorrow. I’m very excited about being a part of this though!

Also as a part of NFL Production Week, I will get to sit in on a meeting Thursday morning. I don’t know much about the meeting, just that it is one of many meetings going on this week, but I am excited that I have the opportunity to tag alongside a couple of staff members and be involved with this part of the event planning process. 
Current projects: 

Today I cleaned up and finished a feature article that I was asked to write for the volunteer newsletter. I will attach a link on here to a digital version of the newsletter once it is put online. 

I have been asked by the Operations Coordinator to revamp the general Host Committee Speaker’s Bureau power point presentation. Apparently the current presentation was put together by an outside designer who put the content on power point slides from PDF format, so the power point is currently unable to be edited. My job is to design a few different power point templates and backgrounds, and eventually create an entire new power point presentation for the committee. It is a pretty tedious project and will take awhile, but this kind of thing is right up my alley so I believe I will thoroughly enjoy working on this.

Social Media: I have not begun working with the Host Committee’s social media involvement just yet, however I have spoken up and let them know that I have some good ideas in regards to getting more involved via social media. Right now, they have accounts on both Facebook and Twitter, but the posts are irregular and not interactive enough, in my opinion. I want to make the social media sites more interactive and a bigger part of the effort to get the region prepared and excited for what is to come. After this crazy week is over with, I will most likely get to hop on that train and get involved with that. 
That should put you up to speed as far as my internship goes. 
On a different note I feel the need to mention the best thing that has happened to me since sliced bread: Free refill cups at RaceTrac. Yes, I bought a cup at RaceTrac for $6.99 and for the remainder of the summer I can walk into any RaceTrac and fill up my cup with any fountain or frozen drink and walk out without reaching in my pockets. It’s pretty much the greatest thing ever. I thought 75 cent slurpees at QT was a good deal, but I would spend more than $6.99 on slurpees in a 2-3 week time span. Sad, yet true. I like slurpees a lot, and because I made a very wise investment, I will be getting them free all summer long. I know Dave Ramsey would be proud.

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